On-site Mobilization
Taking patients out of bed to walk around the ward is recommended to accelerate recovery, but making these steps poses the risk of falls for patients and risk of injuries for staff handing heavy frail patients

Prolonged immobility of patients at the hospital and home results in a plethora of complications affecting virtually all systems of the body. Regular patient mobilization is universally recommended and reflected in the relevant clinical guidelines such as those issued by NSW Health (Australia). Examples of the specific guidelines for inpatient mobilization can be downloaded.
The guideline documents indicate complex requirements and logistics to ensure safe patient walking around the hospital and elsewhere. It may require multidisciplinary teams of several staff members, walking aids, resuscitation equipment and monitoring devices. Such resources might be difficult to avail for most patients to warrant regular mobilization that also put extra burden on care providers.
The MedExercise-M device series stands for 'mobilization' and was designed to facilitation patient leg movements at the point of care and home. These devices can be easily attached to chairs and beds to set on-site stations for
exercise therapy where patients can sustain leg activity without the risk of falls and engaging the healthcare resources otherwise required for regular mobilization.
Compact portable pedal units can be handled in busy hospital environment and by patient carers at home. Monitoring of self-managed activity at the point of care may not require additional resources because of using standard measuring devices and medical procedures ensuring safety of training.
The software associated with devices allow activity measurement and gamification.